Section Officers
The Section Leadership is made up of three youth arrowmen from within the Eleven Lodges of the Section. They serve as either Section Chief, Section Vice-Chief, or Section Secretary. They work all year at various jobs from preparing conclave to assisting the lodges within the section put on a quality program.
Section Chief: Will Coots
Will is an Eagle Scout from Troop 705 in Winnebago, IL and a Vigil Honor member of Wulapeju Lodge #140. He has previously served as chapter vice chief, lodge treasurer, and lodge chief, but currently works as the National OA Social Media Traffic Manager. Will is focused on two things this year: working to better help the lodges, and pudding.
“The feeling you get when you help others is greater than the help that you give.” -Anonymous
Section Vice-Chief: Sean Mellin
Sean lives in Mt. Prospect, Illinois and is a vigil honor member of Lakota Lodge. He is also an Eagle Scout and Assistant Scoutmaster from Troop 155 of the Northwest Community of Pathway to Adventure Council. He has previously served as Lodge Chief and Section Secretary, among other chapter, lodge, and section roles. Sean is a student at Harper College, where he’s getting some business prerequisites done to transfer to a university in a semester or two. If he’s not doing anything related to school or scouts, he’s probably at Medieval Times’ Schaumburg castle playing a trumpet and wearing tights.
“The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, ‘How is the president?’” -Will Rogers
Section Secretary: Adam Peterson
Adam Peterson is an Eagle Scout from Troop 9 in Wilmette, Illinois, and a Vigil Honor member of Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Lodge #40. Since his induction in 2012, he has served Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Lodge in various capacities such as the Namachani Chapter Unit Elections Chair, the Namachani Chapter Chief, the Lodge Vice Chief of Committees, and the Lodge Chief. In 2016, he served Section C-7 as the Activities CVC for section conclave at Camp Long Lake. Adam is a senior at New Trier High School and an incoming Freshmen at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where he plans to study political science and economics. In his free time, you will find Adam at an open basketball court draining (or missing) threes.
“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan